Iggy is Home!

After nearly four months of searching, countless community efforts, and never losing hope, our beloved cat has finally returned home safe and sound.

The Happy Return

Iggy reunited with his human

The happy reunion: Iggy back home with his family

On October 23rd, 2021, after an incredible community effort spanning nearly four months, Iggy was found safe and sound in a garage in Kópavogur. Though hungry and thirsty, he was otherwise in perfect health. After a quick checkup at the vet, he returned home to his overjoyed family.

The Journey

June 27/28, 2021
Iggy Goes Missing

Last seen around midnight at the corner of Vífilsgata and Gunnarsbraut, near his home at Vifilsgata 15.

Summer 2021
The Community Search

A full community mobilization began, including:

  • Creation of missing.cat website with real-time updates
  • Integration with social media platforms for broader reach
  • Support from local community and cat organizations
  • Regular neighborhood searches and poster distribution
October 23, 2021
The Happy Return

Found safe in a Kópavogur garage, hungry but healthy!

Original Missing Poster

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Special Thanks

This happy ending would not have been possible without:

  • Villikettir Organization - Their expertise and dedication in helping find lost cats was invaluable. Please support their work at villikettir.is
  • The wonderful communities of Reykjavík and Kópavogur who kept their eyes open
  • Everyone who shared Iggy's story and helped spread the word
  • The kind person who found him and made sure he got back home